Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art

Fee Structure

Refund of Tution Fees

Tuition fees paid by the students at the time of admission to the Institute will be refunded in the following circumstances to the extent indicated below, subject to the condition that a written application for the refund of fees is submitted by the student
concerned to head of the Institute.

1) 50% of the first installment of the term’s fees actually paid, will be refunded if a student leaves the institution within a period of fortnight of the joining the Institute.

2) Whole of the first installment of the fees will be forfeited to the Government if a student leaves the Institute after the above period.

3) Whole amount of Tuition Fees actually paid will be refunded to a student who :

i) Has been admitted provisionally but whose admission is subsequently cancelled.

ii) Leaves the Institute to join another course in engineering, science, technology, or a similar professional course of study provided that -

a) At the time of applying for admission the student intimate as in writing that he/she intends to apply or has actually applied for admission to one or more professional courses of study, and,

b) Makes a written application for refund of fees to the head of the institute within a fortnight from the date of his/her admission to the professional course of study.

The application in such cases should be accompanied by a certificate from Head of the Professional Institution actually joined by the student stating therein the date of his/her admission of that Institute.


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